Spectacular Compassion lecture @ U of T

Buddhism around the World Events Politics

Spectacular Compassion: ‘Natural’ Disaster and National Mourning in China’s Tibet

Charlene Makley, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Reed College, will be a Numata Program visiting speaker on Thursday, January 13, 2011, at the University of Toronto, Jackman Humanities Building 317 (4-6pm). She will deliver a lecture entitled “Spectacular Compassion: ‘Natural’ Disaster and National Mourning in China’s Tibet.”

Charlene Makley’s areas of specialization include globalization, development, gender, ethnicity, nationalism, religion and ritual, feminist theory, and linguistic anthropology in Tibet and China.
For more on Buddhist Studies at the U of T, see http://buddhiststudies.chass.utoronto.ca/

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