Sumeru News — wesak
Vesak 1981
Buddhism in Canada History Toronto wesak
As we celebrate Vesak this year with a splendid coming-together in Mississauga’s Celebration Square, and with messages from the Prime Minister of Canada, the President of the United States, and such, it’s important to remember how far we’ve come. Here’s a picture, kindly sent to me by Suwanda Sugunasiri, of Toronto’s (and Canada’s) first joint... Read more »
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BC Vesak
Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Events Vancouver wesak
Here’s the poster for the BC Vesak celebration happening in Vancouver next May 29th. Visit or their Facebook page (BC Buddhist Festival) for more information.
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GTA Vesak pix, 2015
Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Events Mississauga Temple Stories Temples Toronto wesak
The organizers of the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area GTA Vesak 2015 which took place last week-end in Mississauga at Celebration Square have posted a flickr page set of pictures from the event, with a fantastic selection of inspiring and colourful shots. Here’s the link: And here are a few pictures to inspire you… The originals are... Read more »
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GTA Vesak adds food drive, parade
Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Charity Events Mississauga Temples Toronto wesak
… … We hope you are as excited as we are for “Vesak: Buddha’s Birthday Celebration” this Sunday at Celebration Square. The day is sure to be a wonderful celebration for all of us but in the spirit of Vesak we... Read more »
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Vesak 2015, in The Vancouver Sun
Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Media Temple Stories Vancouver wesak
The Vancouver Sun had an article last week (which just came to my attention) in advance of the Vancouver United Sangha’s joint Vesak celebration held on May 16. The article was called: “Vancouver Buddhists strive to overcome ethnic silos” and you can read it here.
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