Ottawa Tibet Film Festival 2014

Buddhism around the World Buddhism in Canada Events Film Ottawa Tibet

The second annual Ottawa Tibet Film Festival 2014 is coming up March 21-22 at the St. Paul University Amphitheatre.

Here’s the website: and they are also on Facebook: OttawaTibetFlimFestival

Ottawa Tibet Film FestFriday, March 21st:

6:00 PM: Doors open

6:45 PM: Introduction: Traditional Tibetan dance performed by newly arrived Tibetans: Opening ceremony

7:00 PM: Milarepa, (2006).  Made by Neten Chokling. Discussion with Ian Prattis, professor at Carleton University, Zen teacher and founder of Friends of Peace.

9:00 PM: The Tibet within, (2013). Made by Eva Cirnu.Discussion with volunteers and newly arrived Tibetans from the Tibetan Resettlement Project Ottawa.


Saturday, March 22nd:

1:00 PM: Summer Pasture, (2010). Made by Lynn True, Nelson Walker, and Tsering Perlo

3:00 PM: Scents of Juniper, (2012). Made by Tashi Wangchuk

4:30 PM: Silent Holy Stones.  Made by Pema Tseden

7:30 PM Angry Monk, (2013).  Made by Luc Shaedler

Discussion with Brian Given, associate professor at Carleton University (Sociology and Anthropology)


For any additional information or questions about the films/documentaries that will be shown at the festival, contact us at

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