Buddhism in Modern Language, Toronto

Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Education Practice! Temples Toronto

Buddhism in Modern Language with Pho-Hien Temple 普賢寺 & the Academy of Wisdom & Enlightenment (AWE智覺學苑)

When: Starting on Feb 7, 2015, Saturdays at 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Where: Pho-Hien Temple (普賢寺), 297 Garyray Dr., Toronto, ON M9L 1P2

New Students: Free.
Repeat Students: Enquire at the Academy of Wisdom & Enlightenment www.AWE-edu.com
World Wide Students: Can attend our classes via internet.
All ages are Welcome. This is the consecutive year, the AWE Year-1 curriculum has been offered.

Please visit www.AWE-edu.com to view the 4-year curricula and the Syllabus for Year-1.

The Organizers are the Academy of Wisdom and Enlightenment (AWE) in partnership with the Vietnamese “Pho-Hien Temple” and supported by the Consul General of Sri Lanka in Toronto, the Sri Lanka officiated Chief Monk of Canada, and the Chief Monk of Europe, the UK, Malaysia and Singapore. Contents of the AWE curriculum are recognized by world Buddhist leaders including: the Most Rev. Dr. Sumana Siri, Tripitaka Vagishvaracarya (三藏聖僧), Patriarch of the Chinese Zen lineage at the Liuzu Temple (禪宗六祖寺方丈大和尚), the 42nd Patriarch of the Avatamsaka lineage (華嚴宗四十二世祖師) and the International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU).

The Motivation is to promulgate Buddhism in the context of western culture, which thrives on science & technology. Complementary to traditional teachings, Buddhist ideologies will be presented using simple language and scientific knowledge in order to attract the English-speaking audience and younger generations.

The Vision is to promote Buddhism Made-in-Canada.

AWE Flyer Pho Hien 2015-Feb 7Please post the attached flier on your facility’s notice board. Please feel free to forward this news and flier to interested parties via your social network to promote Buddhism in the west. Your support is greatly appreciated.

For inquiry or to register, please contact: info@AWE-edu.com, or call Tammy 416-727-5577, Prof. Lo 416-524-7115

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