Sumeru News — wesak
Wesak 2015, Vancouver
Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Events Temples Vancouver wesak
There are several joint Wesak ceremonies taking place this year in Vancouver. The United Sangha (12 temples) is holding their Vesak 2015 for World Peace on May 16. Details here: You can also click on the poster image to see it full size. The BC Buddhist Communities (28 communities) is holding their BC Buddhist Festival... Read more »
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GTA Wesak 2015, May 24, Mississauga
Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Events Mississauga Teachers Temples Toronto wesak
The Greater Toronto Area Wesak is set for Sunday, May 24th, 2015, at Mississauga’s Celebration Square. The venue is confirmed, the time is confirmed so this is a “go” event. Last two years, this celebration went well, with the participation of approximately 5000 people together with about 100 Buddhist monks and nuns of all Buddhist... Read more »
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Greater Toronto Hamilton Area Wesak in the news
Buddhism in Canada Events Mississauga Toronto wesak
Advance article in the Mississauga News… Buddhists to mark Buddha’s birthday at Celebration Square
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Wesak in Ottawa
Buddhism in Canada Events Ottawa wesak
Via Buddhist Door… Mayor Jim Watson Proclaims Vesak Day in Ottawa, May 14, 2014 On May the 4th, 2014, the International Buddhist flag was hoisted at Ottawa’s City Hall in honour of Vesak Day, which marks the birth, enlightenment and passing away of the Buddha. Mayor Jim Watson delivered an official proclamation marking Vesak Day... Read more »
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GTHA Wesak 2014
Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Events Toronto wesak
There will be more than 22 temples participating in this year’s Greater Toronto Horseshoe Area Wesak 2014. Here’s the poster. Click on it to see it full-size so you can reproduce and post it…
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