Sakyadhita Conference Calgary follow-up

Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Calgary Conferences Events Women

BCC logoPRESS RELEASE (Nov. 21, 2012)
Buddhist Council of Canada, Board Member at the Sakyadhita ‘Daughters of the Buddha’ (Canada) Conference.

This is to share the news that Thich Nu Tinh Quang made a presentation, “Balancing East And West As a Canadian Vietnamese Buddhist Nun”, at the First Sakhyadhita Conference in Calgary.

“On Saturday September 15, 2012, Sakyadhita Canada hosted its first conference. The theme of the conference was connecting, sharing and supporting and this definitely took place as laywomen, female monastics and laymen from BC, Alberta and Ontario came together at Cardel Theatre, a state- of-the-art theatre, in Calgary.”

For details of the Conference, as well as the full presentation, please visit
ph. 416-487-2777

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