Peace Walk for the Marma Buddhists in Bangladesh

Buddhism around the World Buddhist community Politics Toronto

Tuesday, May 3, 2011 — 5 pm — At Queens Park
March will start from Queen’s Park and will end in Queen’s Park

For many years there have been violent conflicts between indigenous minority Buddhists (Marma) in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and encroaching Bengali settlers. Recently, violence has worsened, killing 3 people, injuring 20. 30 houses were burnt. This silent march is intended to commemorate those who died and were injured in the conflict. The families concerned and the homeless are in need of our support for protection, justice and human rights actions for the Buddhist hill tribes in Bangladesh.

ATTENDANCE:  All people concerned with the plight of the Buddhist minority (Adivasi) in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh, are invited to attend this nonviolent demonstration. Monastic and lay Buddhist practitioners are encouraged to spread the word and participate in this event as a way of acknowledging and standing in solidarity with those whose land was taken away initiated freedom and land rights in Bangladesh.

EVENT INCLUDES: Petition for stopping violence against and enabling protection of the Marma indigenous people to the United Nations, Bangladeshi High Commissioner in Ottawa, and Ontario Human Rights Commission.

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