First International Buddhist Bhikkuni Forum Toronto 2018

Buddhism around the World Buddhism in Canada Practice! Toronto Women

First International Buddhist Bhikkuni Forum

May 26-27, 2018

OISE, University of Toronto, 252 Bloor Street West

Here is the press release...

This is our first international forum bringing together Buddhist practitioners and scholars of Buddhism, with a focus of exploring and encouraging the involvement of women in the practice and teaching of Buddhism.  By discussing the unique experiences of women who practise Buddhism around the world, we hope to find ways to support fellow practitioners on their various paths.

For more information, please visit  Website:

In 21st century, the ancient wisdom of the East, like a thousand-petalled lotus blooming with unparalleled elegance and beauty, is attracting people in the West who seek peace of mind by practicing Buddhism. Through practice, we may find the wisdom that the Buddha discovered, and better address life's problems.

The wisdom and compassion of the Buddha can help life become clear and transparent. Like a bright star in the night sky, this wisdom illuminates our lives. More and more people are seeking this vast and deep force of a spiritual world: by meditation and practicing Dharma, or by finding a guru to affirm and guide their practice.

Modern female Buddhist practitioners are playing a significant role in emphasizing the role of the spiritual life and in bringing Dharma to the Western societies. Through this forum, we hope to inspire the compassion and wisdom of our fellow female practitioners and to help them become an influential force to create positive change in their communities.

We invite discussion and submission of papers based on these major themes:

Theme:  The roles of female practitioners in modern Buddhism in Eastern and Western societies.

In the 21st century, many in the West are interested in Buddhism as they search for inner peace and enriching their spirituality.  With their roles in social philanthropy, education, and thought leadership, female Buddhist practitioners can make a significant contribution to their communities and to society as a whole.

Theme:  Gender Issues in Buddhism: Tibetan Bhikkhuni lineage in the 21st century.

One of the most precious teachings of Buddhism is to respect the Buddha-nature of every sentient being as equal. The Buddha supported the establishment of the order of Bhikkhuni to engage and support women, as well as men, in the practice of Buddhism. In the 21st century, men and women are recognized as equals in most modern societies. However, gender inequality is still entrenched in some areas of life, including many religious institutions.  A clear example in Buddhism is the Bhikkhuni Upasampada (rite of higher ordination), which remains blocked for women in many areas of the world such as Tibet. Many scholars and Buddhist practitioners around the world are examine and discussing the restoration of the Tibetan Bhikkhuni Upasampada. Its result will have an enduring impact and special significance to the future of Buddhism.

The North American Karma Kagyu Bhikkhuni Institute and the Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple convened this international Buddhist Forum's round table with the hope of promoting equality, communication, and harmony amongst the Buddhist lineages.  We sincerely invite all Buddhist organizations, practitioners, followers, scholars, and the general public to participate in this event.

Watch the debut of H.H. the 17th Karmapa speech and blessings

Watch the debut of H.H. the 17th Karmapa speech and blessings @ First International Buddhist Bhikkhuni Forum

Register & Ticket:

First International Buddhist Bhikkhuni Forum will be held on May 26 and 27 .This forum will bring together Buddhist practitioners and scholars of Buddhism, with a focus of exploring and encouraging the involvement of women in the practice and teaching of Buddhism.

At the forum, H.H. the 17th Karmapa will give precious speech and blessings through video to all forum attendees. It is a rare and extraordinary opportunity. The seats are limited. We sincerely invite all of you to register and participate. All are welcome, but pre-registration is required.

First International Buddhist Bhikkuni Forum

For more information, please visit

To purchase ticket, go to 

( Please search  " NAKKBI" )

North America Karma Kagyu Bhikkhuni Institute



TEL :1- 416-893-8366

Email: /, TEL:416-893-8366 / 647-289-6236


大 悲 菩 提 寺 妙音法師     虔誠合十

Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple
Ven. Master Miao Yin (Te Tien)

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