Sumeru News

Going Through the Mystery's 100 Questions

Buddhism Chan China Sumeru Books Zen

We are pleased to announce Sumeru will be publishing Dosho Port Roshi's upcoming book, Going Through the Mystery’s One Hundred Questions Tongxuan Baiwen X67n1312_001 通玄百問 第1卷 Yuxi Tongxuan Temple, Great Meditation Teacher Yuantong raised the questions; Mahabodhi Monastery, Venerable Wansong respectfully answered; the old man, Longyan Linquan [wrote] verses; person of the way Shengshen of Huating [donated] printing blocks

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Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

Ambedkar Buddhism around the World Engaged Buddhism Social Action

The Ambedkar Mission in Toronto was founded by Darshan Chaudhary in 1979 to celebrate the life and continue the work of  a great modern Indian Buddhist bodhisattva, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. The mission is still going strong. In 1991, the Mission published a small book for free distribution, commemorating the 100th anniversary of Ambedkar’s birth, entitled One Hundred Years for Freedom with the help of Sumeru Press founder, Karma Yönten Gyatso. Here is a digital version of that book.  

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Sumeru catalogue 2022

Sumeru Books

  Sumeru has published 50 Buddhist books. Here's our current catalogue. For more information about each book, click on the link below to download the PDF. Then you can click on any book cover to see the details.

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Buddhism in Prison 2022 Initiative

The Applied Buddhism Network International has launched a Buddhist Book Donation & Prison Pen Pal Program in 2022. A set of 20 books by the late Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is being donated to Canadian prisons during 2022. These books are popular among Buddhists and the general public alike. They will also be useful for prison chaplains who wish to offer spiritual care service to Buddhists incarcerated in their institutions. The 20 books are listed here: team of volunteer pen pals will be happy to correspond by letters with inmates whose institutions have received these book donations to discuss the books that they...

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The Future Is Cancelled Until Further Notice

Buddhism of the Future Eco Action Engaged Buddhism Environmental Issues

My latest column for Buddhistdoor Global in my Bodhisattva 4.0 series on environmental and technological issues from a Buddhist perspective:

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