Sumeru News

Justin Wah Kan joins Sumeru

Publishing Publishing in a digital world

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new member to our team: Justin Wah Kan, application developer. Justin comes to us with a background in media production, content management systems and social media. He will be providing technical leadership on Sumeru’s upcoming web-based projects.

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Buddhism Buddhism around the World Theravada

If you feel you are not getting the complete picture about life in Sri Lanka from the Canadian and American news media, you may find an insightful alternative. It provides news coverage, Buddhist perspectives, and opinion from a wide range of contributors.

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Toronto Buddhist Community Directory 1992

Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Ephemera Toronto

Sumeru has received a copy of a directory of Buddhist temples and centres in the Greater Toronto Area, circa 1992. It is now posted on our ephemera page. Thanks to Chris Ng of the Buddhist Education Foundation for Canada, for lending us a copy to scan.

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The Consecration of Dzambhala

Buddhism Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Buddhist Shrine Project Shrines Temple Stories Temples Toronto Vajrayana

Karma Tekchen Zabsal Ling in Aurora has been hard at work completing their main shrine room. The right side shrine alcoves are now home to a set of exquisite rupas of the 21 Taras. The left side shrine alcoves are now home to Mahakala, Dzambhala and the Dzambhala Buddha Families. Many other enhancements have also... Read more »

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Numata Conference: Buddhist Training in Japan

Buddhism Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Toronto

On April 18 and 19, 2009, the University of Toronto will be hosting this year’s Numata Conference, with the theme: Buddhist Training in Japan. The conference is free and open to the general public. Sumeru will be attending. For more information about the conference schedule and the presenters, CLICK HERE

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