Ven. Chödpa Lama Rinpoche’s 2014 Visit to Calgary

Buddhism in Canada Calgary Meditation Practice! Vajrayana Visiting Teachers

NamDak SaLing is pleased to announce the upcoming visit of  Ven. Chödpa Lama Rinpoche to Calgary later this year.

The extensive bio of this teacher and his background, as described on the centre’s website, reveals a rare opportunity for those drawn to the tantric practice of Chöd.

Rinpoche“I’m pleased to announce that later this year (exact dates to be determined later), the Venerable Chödpa Lama Rinpoche will visit NamDak SaLing to grant the empowerment and teachings necessary to seriously embark on the path of the practice of Chöd. Rinpoche has graciously and generously made a commitment to return yearly to provide guidance and teachings to further and deepen our practice. This is an incredibly rare and precious opportunity for those who would like to honestly and diligently undertake the highly efficacious, advanced Vajrayana path of Chöd with regular guidance, teachings and opportunities for pilgrimage.

Chödpa Lama Rinpoche was born to a family of Ngagpa Lineage and Mo Masters. This illustrious Ngagpa lineage and “the ancient practice of Juthig Mo” divination is solely directed by Ven. Yogi Kalsang Rinpoche, the father of Ven. Chödpa Lama Rinpoche.” MORE DETAILS HERE.

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