U of T diploma program: Buddhist Mindfulness & Mental Health

Buddhism Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Buddhist Psychology Buddhist Studies Chaplaincy Education Health Toronto

Via the Buddhist Education Foundation for Canada…

A Buddhist diploma program in Buddhist Mindfulness & Mental Health http://www.emmanuel.utoronto.ca/Prospective/Academic_Programs/Diploma_in_Buddhist_Mindfulness_and_Mental_Health.htm has been launched by Emmanuel. It is accepting students now, can apply on-line. Please kindly help to publicize it. There will be two courses offered in Jan. 2015. We really want to see sufficient students to make it a go.

The diploma courses are transcripted courses at the Master’s degree level. These courses can be transferred to the MPS (Buddhist studies) when the program is created in the future. Emmanuel requires private funding to hire a full-time Buddhist studies faculty before it will create the MPS (Buddhist studies) program. Hope the Buddhist communities will help fundraise for it. Bhante is going to help with this effort.

Chaplaincy certification requirement by CASC http://www.spiritualcare.ca/ changes from time to time to, I suppose, suit the changing time. It will require chaplains to register with the CRPO, http://www.crpo.ca/ meaning all chaplaincy students will need to be educated to be psychotherapists as well. Emmanuel and TST are getting ready for this requirement in their MPS program, expect to have approval by CASC within a year.

Here is a bit more info on the 2nd roundtable:

Exploring the Important Elements of an Ideal Canadian Buddhist Chaplaincy Education Program
Moderated by Ven. Bhante Saranapala, resident monk of West End Buddhist Temple

Ven. Bhante Bhikkhu Yuttadhammo, Canadian monk ordained in the Thai forest tradition
Ven. Thomas Kilts, Supervisor of Clinical Pastoral Education at Brampton Civic Hospital
Sensei Taigen Henderson, Abbott of Toronto Zen Centre
Professor Pam Couture, Emmanuel College, University of Toronto

Date: Saturday, September 13, 2014
Time: 2:00 to 3:30 pm (roundtable); 3:30 pm (refreshments)
Location: West End Buddhist Temple, 3133 Cawthra Road, Mississauga

For further information, visit www.BuddhistEduFoundation.com
To register: Call 416-910-4858 or E-mail BuddhistEduFoundation@rogers.com

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