Sumeru News — Education

Rod Burylo in the news

Business Education Ethics Money Right Livelihood

Rod Burylo, author of The Wealthy Buddhist (Sumeru 2018), is speaking to financial advisors at the IFB 2019 Toronto Spring Summit on the topic of professional ethics. From the schedule:  Character and Professional Relationships Rod Burylo, Business Development Manager, Croft Financial Group RIBO Ethics FP Canada CE Approved: Professional Responsibility This course introduces Financial Advisors to the most important concepts and issues related to character, professional relationships and ethics in the financial services industry. IN OTHER NEWS Rod has also been short-listed as a finalist for the  The IFSE Institute Award for Financial Literacy Champion 2019 IFSE is the educational arm...

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Update: Ho Centre for Buddhist Studies at the U of T

Education Toronto

This year at HCBSA Message from Director Frances Garrett Dear Ho Centre community, Some of you may have heard that as of September 1, I am on research leave. I’m happy to able finally to announce officially that Dr Sarah Richardson has agreed to serve as Interim Director of the Ho Centre for Buddhist Studies.  Dr Richardson (pictured above, at right) is a historian of the arts and religions of South Asia with a specialization in Buddhist visual and material practice, especially Himalayan painting. She holds a PhD from the University of Toronto (2016), and is currently teaching as a Lecturer...

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Robert Ho Family Foundation Buddhist Studies Program grant applications

Buddhism in the West Education

Robert Ho Family Foundation Buddhist Studies Program grant applications are now invited for the 2018-19 competition year. Here are the details, from the American Council of Learned Societies... The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) invites applications in the 2018-19 competition year of The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies. In cooperation with the Foundation, ACLS offers an integrated set of fellowship and grant competitions supporting work that will expand the understanding and interpretation of Buddhist thought in scholarship and society, strengthen international networks of Buddhist studies, and increase the visibility of innovative currents in those...

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Chris Ng and the Buddhist Education Foundation for Canada

Buddhism in Canada Buddhist Psychology Buddhist Studies Canada Chaplaincy Education History Toronto

I've known Chris Ng for more than 30 years now. She's one of those leading figures in the history of Buddhism in Canada who prefers to work in the background to make things happen for others. As a co-founder of the Buddhist Education Foundation for Canada, she has been instrumental in funding courses and programs at the University of Toronto for more than a decade, as well as being a community organizer in many other capacities. I recently asked her if she would be kind enough to be interviewed about her work, for the benefit of posterity, and here is an...

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Buddhist Compassion Tzu Chi donation 2018

Books Charity Children Education Food Health Immigration

In 2017 we were able to give a donation of $618 to the Buddhist Compassion Tzu Chi Foundation of Canada. This represented the proceeds from sales of Lotus Petals in the Snow, our anthology of writings by Canadian Buddhist women. This year we are making another donation of $136. This represents the proceeds from further sales of the book, plus some proceeds from sales of an Buddhist Astrology. What do these donations support? Here is a run-down of where Tzu Chi's donations went in 2017: Daily breakfasts for nearly 500 students in 12 schools Bursaries and school supplies for 1,265 students Paid...

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