Sumeru News — Buddhism


Buddhism Buddhism around the World Publishing Sumeru Books Theravada

We are pleased to announce Sumeru’s forthcoming publication of “REBIRTH as a basis for the Buddha’s Four Noble Truths” by renowned Canadian Buddhist scholar and activist, Dr. Suwanda Sugunasiri. This exegesis of the pivotal events of Buddha’s enlightenment, from the point of view of his retelling of the unfolding experience of his meditation, focuses on... Read more »

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Journal for Buddhism and Psychology

Buddhism Buddhism around the World Buddhism in Canada Education Publishing Publishing in a digital world

The University of Toronto has a growing program in Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health. In conjunction with this initiative, the directors of the program are launching a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, with a working title of: “The International Journal for Buddhism and Psychology.” Aims: To publish empirical research of a multidisciplinary nature demonstrating the application of the... Read more »

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Dalai Lama Montréal – Oct 2009

Buddhism Buddhism in Canada Dalai Lama Montreal Teacher Stories Teachers

Here are some links to information about His Holiness’ recent visit to Montréal. Sorry I wasn’t able to post them before the event.

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MUSE – Academic Journal Articles on Buddhism

Buddhism Buddhism around the World Education Publishing Publishing in a digital world

Project MUSE is an initiative by Johns Hopkins University to provide easy keyword search through academic journals. A search for “Buddhism” yields 2186 scholarly articles. Happy browsing!

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Panoramio photos

Buddhism Buddhism around the World Publishing in a digital world Temples

I have begun to post my photographs of Buddhist pilgrimage sites on Panoramio, viewable through Google maps and Google Earth. Bodhgaya, Ajanta, Shwedagon (in Rangoon), and Koh Samui (in Thailand) are up. Many more to come. You can browse the locations or search “Karma Yonten Gyatso” in Panoramio to view.

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