Shi Wu De Professorship in Chinese Buddhist Studies, U of T

Buddhism Buddhism in Canada Buddhist Studies Chaplaincy Education Toronto

The job posting for the Shi Wu De Professorship in Chinese Buddhist Studies has been announced (attached). It is a new faculty position endowed at Emmanuel College, University of Toronto. The late Rev. Wu De was the Abbot of the Ching Kwok Buddhist Temple and also President Emeritus of the Buddhist Education Foundation of Canada.

The Buddhist community had worked with Emmanuel College to create a Diploma Program in “Buddhist Mindfulness and Mental Health” (6 credits). It was launched in January 2015. With the donation to endow the Professorship, a Buddhist stream was later created in their existing “Master of Pastoral Studies” program (20 credits) and was launched in September 2015. This is the first program in Canada that educates Buddhist students for certification with the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (i.e. professional chaplaincy). The courses in the diploma program are recognized in and transferable to the MPS program. The diploma program would be of interest to students who are interested in a shorter program.

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