Mississauga’s Celebration Square will be the place to be on Sunday, June 1st as 30 GTA Buddhist temples host a joint, outdoor Vesak celebration for Buddha’s Birthday. The event is organized by the West End Buddhist Centre, Foguang Shan and Phap Van (who are hosting). The event runs from 3:30 – 7:30 pm. Highlights will include chanting ceremonies, the Bathing the Buddha ritual, traditional music and a martial arts demonstration performed by the Shaolin Cultural Centre of Canada to close out the show.
Here is more information, from the Mississauga.com website: http://www.mississauga.com/community/article/1618160–party-for-the-buddha-at-the-square
Toronto has held Vesak celebrations in the past over many years, but this is the first joint celebration outside the downtown core of the city, so it is a significant historical development (in addition to promising to be a lot of fun). For those interested in attending who are not familiar with the area, here is a link to a Google Map of the site: https://maps.google.ca/maps?ie=UTF8&cid=2731199605715899086&q=Mississauga+Civic+Centre&iwloc=A&gl=CA&hl=en
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