Michael Hayashi – new minister at Manitoba Buddhist Temple

Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Jodo Shinshu Teacher Stories Teachers Winnipeg

Via the MBT website…

p1060556Dharma Message from Sensei Hayashi
Greetings to everyone who holds the Manitoba Buddhist Temple near and dear to their hearts. My name is Michael Hayashi. I am new in town assisting Ulrich Sensei as an assistant minister.

I am very grateful to the temple board and many other members, who have already been incredibly welcoming and supportive. Luckily, I have attended a few Annual General Meetings hosted by this temple in the past. Each time I was impressed by the genuine warmth I saw in the members and volunteers I met. I am writing this after my first service here; the monthly Memorial Service for June, July and August, and am very glad to find that my initial and limited impressions were indeed accurate.

You will find that I am a firm believer in the concept of “ondobo, ondogyo”. It is often loosely translated as “fellow followers of the Dharma; fellow travelers on the path”. It is mostly used to indicate the egalitarian flavour of the Jodo Shinshu teachings. I as a minister do not tell you how to live; although I may sometimes suggest a perspective, or consideration, that may inform your own ability to make your own decisions regarding your life. At the same time, by freely offering your opinions and insights to me, you will be teaching me how to better relay the teachings to you. In this way, we wind up assisting each other as we explore the teachings together.

That is the long way of saying that I think you will find me pretty approachable, understanding and open. I should mention though that you may find my sense of humour a bit strange, or “off” at times. Hopefully you will find this to be a charming aspect of my character and an opportunity to “be yourself” with me.

I am looking forward to many inspiring and enervating interactions with you as we explore the Jodo Shinshu teachings together, or in other words …

(With Palms Pressed Together) In Gassho,
Sensei Hayashi
June 23, 2013

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