Medicine Buddha Initiation, Toronto, 6.7.12

Buddhist Psychology Death Events Health Practice! Psychology Toronto Vajrayana Visiting Teachers

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

“Medicine Buddha Initiation”
with: Acharya Zasep Jamseng Rinpoche

Medicine Buddha embodies the healing qualities of all the Buddhas, whose realizations overcome the ‘diseases’ of physical sickness, delusion, and other obstructions. Receiving this initiation allows individuals to engage in Medicine Buddha practice, and thus to cultivate Medicine Buddha’s special qualities in their own life, for themselves and those around them who may be experiencing illness. Rinpoche has said that by practicing the Medicine Buddha, we can become a healer for ourselves and others.

If you have any questions, contact Snow Lion at 416-461-1611 or

Time: 7:00PM to 9:30PM*

Location: The Inner Garden

401 Richmond Street West, Suite 384

Offering: $25.00 suggested donation OR (pay according to your means)
Also note: Traditionally a donation is personally offered to the Teacher in a sealed envelope at the end of the initiation

More information available at:

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