Mahamudra108 blog from Norman Steinberg

Buddhism Buddhism around the World Buddhism in Canada Dalai Lama Ottawa Pilgrimage Tibet is a new Canadian Buddhist blog by Norman Steinberg. The blog title is:

Journey to the Summit of Understanding by Giving Back

A Buddhist Pilgrimage of Transformation and Growth in Dharmsala

cropped-DSC_01552Here’s Norm’s bio:

Norman Steinberg recently moved to Dharmsala, India where volunteers for the Central Tibetan Administration. He is a grandfather, and a recently retired senior Canadian Federal Government Public Servant who was responsible the integrity functions of a large Ministry for more than 20 years. He is a past chair of the Ethics Practitioners Association of Canada.

He has has been a long time supporter of Tibet. He founded the Ottawa chapter of the Project Tibet Society, whose mission is to see the successful immigration of 1000 Stateless Tibetans from Arunachal Pradesh, India, to Canada over the next 3 years.

A 40 year old foundation for all of his understanding and activity is the Buddha Dharma. He continues to learn and practice the Dharma as a result of the of his most precious teacher, Lama Karma Thinley Rinpoche.DSC_0075

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