Lotus Petals in the Snow: Voices of Canadian Buddhist Women

Books Buddhism Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Publishing Sumeru Sumeru Books Women

Lotus Petals Front CoverThe results of our crowdsource poll to find a title for Sumeru’s upcoming anthology of articles by Canadian Buddhist women are in and it’s a landslide victory for Lotus Petals in the Snow: Voices of Canadian Buddhist Women. We’re just putting finishing touches on the book and plan to have it available at all the usual bookseller sites very soon! Anile Prakash from girlfriday.ca has contributed a wonderful cover.

All profits from online sales of the book go to the Buddhist Compassion Tzu Chi Foundation charity. Profits from direct sales support local Dharma activities across Canada.

Lotus Petals in the Snow – Press Release HERE

Here’s the line-up…

Karma: A Method of Evolution and Escape   Aryadrishti
Buddhism as a System of Education: Reflections on Life and Self   Heeson Bai
The Things We Leave Behind   Nicole Belanger
Who is a Tibetan Buddhist Self-Immolator? Freedom Fighter, Martyr, Terrorist or Bodhisattva?   Kalsang Dolma
Sakyadhita Canada: Branching Out   Mavis Fenn
Authentic Self   Tracy Franz
Dharma Decisions: I Don’t Know Until I Know, and Then I Know   Ainslie Greig
Finding the Kingdom of Happiness   Dianne Harke
Why Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Chose Buddhism   Usha Heer
My Path of Vajrayana Practice   Jackie Ho
Patterns in Groups Tending Toward the Formation of Cults; Applications to Western Buddhism   Patricia Ivan
Heart of Light: Anagarikā Dhammadinna   Jayantā
Women at the Forefront: Pioneering and the Dhamma of Perseverance   Jayantā
Why I Never Felt Beautiful and Now I Do   Natalie Karneef
Rediscovering the Gift of the Universal Feminine Through Faith, Scripture and Myth   Cecilie Kwiat
Art Is Not for Control Freaks   Carol Leslie
Buddhism, Maternity and the Body   Erin McCarthy
Stumbling Into Fields of Joy: A Biography of Cecilie Kwiat   Julia Milton
I Talk to People Everywhere: An Interview with Cecilie Kwiat   Julia Milton
Why Do I Feel an Irresistible Urge to Dance?   Kuya Minogue
Summer at the Kootenay Hermitage   Kuya Minogue
Mother-Daughter: Mastering the Art of Losing Each Other   Lynette Genju Monteiro
Convergence   Julie Price
Giving and Receiving: Why Dharma Teachers Don’t Charge Fees   Bonni Ross
Dissolving the Pain Body; Abiding in the Body of Wisdom   Daryl Lynn Ross
Discovering the Three Jewels in Rural Alberta   Bonnie Ryan Fisher
Finding My Way on the Eightfold Path   Laura Sugimoto
My Rebirth as a Bhikkhuni   Thich Nu Tinh Quang
The Front Runner   Thuc Cong
The Despondency (Qi Xia Temple): Nanjing and a Visit to the 1000 Smashed Buddha Caves   Sarah E. Truman
Weeds in the Stream   Vimalasara

Many thanks to editor extraordinaire, Tanya McGinnity at Full Contact Enlightenment!

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