Looking West: A Primer for American Buddhism

Books Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Publishing in a digital world

Charles Prebish, author of “An American Buddhist Life,” published by Sumeru, and of many other books on Buddhism, has a new e-book out –  “Looking West: A Primer for American Buddhism” – a short, basic introduction to one of the fastest growing new religions in America. It provides all the historical, doctrinal, and community information a curious person would want to know about Buddhism in its American home. It highlights all the key figures and religious practices employed by the various Buddhist communities in America. It’s price is $9.99.
Smashwords URL: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/117946
Amazon URL: http://www.amazon.com/Looking-West-American-Buddhism-ebook/dp/B006R8P1QM/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1325252526&sr=1-1

While the book is centred on the United States, there are some references to Canada. Futhermore, while the specific institutions and their histories may be different, the thematic issues are identical.

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