Jade Buddha for Universal Peace at Linh Son Temple, Toronto

Buddhism Buddhism in Canada Events Montreal Peace work Toronto

The Jade Buddha is currently at Linh Son Temple in North York from 17 July – 3 August, and already thousands of people have gone to pay homage. You will be able to see photos of the crowds on the Jade Buddha website or via their Twitter page: @JadeBuddhaPeace .

Linh Son Temple is the only Canadian temple being visited in 2014. They are located at: 100 Rivalda Rd, Toronto, ON M9M 2M8 / (416) 748-0999

The only Canadian temple planned so far for next year is Dia Tang Temple in Montreal: 3170 Jarry est, / 514-729-9948
The Jade Buddha will be there between September 17 – October 4, 2015. Their website is www.chuadiatang.com

Jade Buddha in Toronto

Jade Buddha in Toronto

For more information about the Jade Buddha…


The Jade Buddha for Universal Peace

The Jade Buddha for Universal Peace

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