English Dharma lecture in Toronto with Ven. Master Hueiguang

Buddhism Buddhism in Canada Buddhist Studies Education Events Mahayana Toronto Visiting Teachers Zen

You are invited to a Buddhist Dharma lecture in Toronto by Venerable Hueiguang, the Abbot of IBS http://www.ibs.tw/. Free admission. All welcome. Feel free to circulate the attached flyer to your friends. RSVP please to helenchy@gmail.com,

The Truth of Life

April 26, 2013 / 7:30pm-9:30pm

Sidney Smith Hall, Room 2110, University of Toronto
100 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G3

Organizer: Luminous Mind International Foundation
Sponsor: Buddhist Education Foundation for Canada
Contact: Luminous Mind International Foundation (lmif.ca@gmail.com)

Venerable Master Hueiguang was born in Taiwan. After graduating from the University of California, San Diego in 1994, he left the pursuance of a career in medicine and vowed to practice the Dharma in order to propagate the noble teachings for the ultimate benefit of all sentient beings.

After Venerable Hueiguang renounced his layman livelihood, he completed his monastic training at Ts’ung Lin University in Taiwan under the guidance of the renowned Venerable Master Hsing Yun of Fo Guang Shan (FGS). Gradually, he evolved into a more prominent role as the dean of the Male Buddhist College in FGS where he tenured for more then fifteen years. In December 25 of 2008, Venerable Hueiguang received the Dharma Transmission from Venerable Master Ben Huan at Hongfa Temple in Shenzhen, China, as the 45th generation lineage holder of the Linchi Ch’an (Rinzai Zen) School.

English Dharma Talk Apr 26 2013

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