Engagement in Tibet

Buddhism around the World Events Peace work Toronto


Dr. Losang Rabgey will speak on Engagement in Tibet
Tuesday , 9 November 2010
5:30 to 7:30pm
Room 100 of the  University of Toronto’s Jackman Humanities Building, at 170 St George Street.

A University of Virginia Senior Fellow since 2006, Dr. Losang Rabgey is a founder and executive director of Machik, a non-profit organization that works to develop opportunities for education, capacity-building and innovation on the Tibetan plateau.  Losang holds a PhD in gender studies and anthropology from the University of London School of Oriental and African Studies, where she was a Canadian Commonwealth Scholar. In 2006, Losang was recognized as an Emerging Explorer by the National Geographic Society for her innovative work in bridging cultural divides. In addition to her creative development of Machik work, Losang also serves on the International Advisory Board of Shem USA and was a founding member of Mechak, the first online gallery of contemporary Tibetan art. Her current research interests include social entrepreneurship and rural community development in Tibet. Losang was selected by the Asia Society as a Young Leader in 2007.

This event is co-sponsored by the Tibetan & Chinese Youth Dialogue Group and the Department for the Study of Religion’s Religion in the Public Sphere Initiative.

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