Ecology, Meditation & Integrated Living retreat, Vancouver, Sept 6-7

Buddhism in Canada Eco Action Environmental Issues Meditation Practice! Retreats Vancouver Visiting Teachers

Ecology, Meditation and Integrated Living
deepening skills for walking into the unknown

–a weekend of contemplative exploration with Tarchin Hearn

September 6/7 2014
Vancouver, BC
Vital Health Medical & Wellness Clinic (1855 West 4th Avenue)
(Venue is fully accessible – storefront level, wheelchair friendly)
Hours: 10-4 each day (12-2 for lunch/personal practice)

This non-residential meditation retreat will combine teaching and meditation lead by Tarchin Hearn.

The retreat cost is $60 for the weekend, plus a donation for the teacher.
Please e-m if you are interested in attending or have any questions about the retreat.

You can also affirm your attendance at the Facebook event page:

Tarchin Hearn has taught in many countries and helped establish a number of centres for study and practice. He is the author of several books and is a guiding elder for the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre in New Zealand. Writer, artist, gardener, poet and inspiring teacher/mentor, Tarchin has a great interest in blending the insights and understandings of science and ecology with Buddha Dharma to unfold a path of natural awakening and contemplative science that is profoundly relevant to the modern world. Well trained in Buddhism under the guidance of the Ven. Namgyal Rinpoché, and many other great masters, Tarchin’s approach is thoroughly non-sectarian and universal in nature. His work has inspired a wide range of people, from those who are new to the spiritual life, through to people who are themselves already competent teachers of various different traditions.

For more information about Tarchin and his work, visit

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