A weekend teaching on Nyungne Practice.
Friday, Sept. 7 – Sunday, Sept. 9
@ Maitrivana, 4610 Earles Street, Vancouver

Happy news: Venerable Dilyak Drupon Rinpoche is teaching in Vancouver for the first time! Drupon Rinpoche rarely gives dharma teachings and transmissions in the West, so we are grateful to share this precious opportunity. Nalandabodhi has a special relationship with Rinpoche: Not only is he revered as a great Mahamudra lineage holder, he is also the beloved brother of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche.
Rinpoche will conduct a weekend on Nyungne Practice, a powerful purification practice that includes fasting, prostrating, silence, and chanting. Nyungne (pronounced nyun-nyay) was revealed by Bhikshuni Palmo, a Buddhist nun who suffered from severe leprosy. For 12 years she performed Nyungne and Chenrezig practices, becoming a great siddha.
A traditional Nyungne retreat lasts several days. Drupon Rinpoche is kindly offering us a shorter and fully authentic taste of the practice.
Friday Sept. 7 (7pm – 9pm): Nyungne teaching
Sat. Sept. 8 (10am – 12pm): Nyungne teaching
(2pm – 4pm): Thousand-Armed Chenrezig Empowerment
Sun. Sept. 9 (7:30am – 5:30pm): Nyungne Practice (with lunch & tea breaks)
Please note: Participants in Sunday’s practice must receive the Chenrezig Empowerment on Saturday afternoon. (Exceptions for those who’ve previously received this empowerment.)
Regular: $80
Nalandabodhi members: $70
Cash and cheques only, please. No one turned away for lack of funds
PRE-REGISTRATION is required because space is limited. Please register here.
Born in 1965, Drupon Rinpoche received novice vows from the 16th Karmapa and was trained as a youth by His Holiness and other great lamas of Rumtek, Sikkim. He is a graduate of Karma Shri Nalanda Institute for Higher Buddhist Studies, where he received a degree of Acharya. Drupon Rinpoche currently serves as the Abbot of Dilyak Dabzang Monastery, the oldest original Karma Kagyu monastery in Boudhanath, Nepal.
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