Buddhist papers @ IAHR Conference

Buddhism around the World Conferences Education History

Here is a list (in no particular order, sorry) of Buddhist papers being presented at the 20th Quinquennial World Congress of the IAHR, being held at the University of Toronto, August 15-21, 2010. A Google search of the presenters’ names and paper titles should give you a lead as to how to get hold of any that are of particular interest.

Zara Ramsay, School of Oriental and African Studies
Religious and spiritual capital in Buddhist faith-based-development: evidence from India

Tim Graf, University of Heidelberg
The Transfer and Transformation of ‘Ritual Sitting’ (zazen) in Japan and the West

Levi McLaughlin, Wofford College
Soka Gakkai’s Image of East Asia and Its Activities in Korea and China

Joshua A. Irizarry, University of Michigan
Cultivating an ‘International Zen Garden’: Daihonzan Sōjiji in the 21st Century

Katja Rakow, University of Heidelberg
Transcending or Consuming the Self? The Western Hegemonic Discourse on the Self and Its Impact on Concepts and Ritual Practices in Buddhist Modernism

Ranjana Mukhopadhyaya, University of Delhi, India
Transnational networks of dharma and development: Engaged Buddhism in the era of globalization

Zhuo Xinping, Institute of World Religion, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Chinese Religions and their Social Background

Xiaoyun Zheng, Institute of World Religion, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
The Characteristics of the Propagation of Theravada Buddhism in China

Hongmei Wang, Peking University
Humanistic Buddhism (Renjian Fojiao: Searching for a Balance between Religiousness and Secularity

Takashi Irimoto, Hokkaido University
Ecological Implications of Tibetan Buddhism: Exorcising Rites in Village and Monastic Festivals

Takako Yamada, Kyoto University
Ladakhi Shamanism and the Continuity of Buddhist Tradition

Kumiko Tanaka, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
The Struggle between Nichiren Buddhist Ideology and the Reality of Everyday Life

Masahiro Shimoda, University of Tokyo
The History of Buddhism as Media Development: The Changing Possibilities of Religious Studies

Masako Kuroki, Kyotogakuen University
The Spiritual Quest of a Woman Priest in Tendai Buddhism

Céline Grünhagen, University of Bonn
Sex and Gender Trouble in Theravada Buddhism – The Complexity of Translation and Transmission

Renu Shukla and Kanya Gurukul, Lucknow University
Problem of Dating: A Study of Milindapañha

Pranabananda Jash, Visva-Bharati University
The Prajnaparamita-hrdaya-sutra: Historical Approaches

Bikash Mukherji, Visva-Bharati University
Social Diaspora of Buddhism in Eastern India

Hari Shankar Prasad, University of Delhi
How to Restructure the Religious Focus?: Explaining the Buddhist Method

Katja Triplett, University of Marburg
Medical Knowledge and Ritual Instruction for Healing the Physical Body Found in East Asian Buddhist Texts

Christoph Kleine, University of Leipzig
Buddhist Monks as Healers in Early and Medieval Japan

Alicia Turner, York University
The Irish Pongyi: The Confrontations and Challenges of U Dhammaloka in Burma

Brian Bocking, University College Cork
‘A Man of Work and Few Words’?: Dhammaloka Beyond Burma

Laurence Cox, National University of Ireland
The politics of Buddhist revival: U. Dhammaloka as social movement organizer

Thomas Tweed, University of Texas, Austin
U. Dhammaloka, ‘the Irish Buddhist’: A response

Kieko Obuse, University of Oxford
Japanese Muslim Views of Buddhism: Converts’ Dilemma

Sanchita Sharma, University Kanpur
The concept of karma: A comparative analysis

Kiyokazu Nakatomi, Chiba prefectural Togane Commercial High School
Meditation and Intuition

Makoto Ozaki, Sanyo Gakuen University
Bostrom’s Philosophy of Religion and Tendai Buddhist Thought

Jon Morris, Tohoku University
Pure Land Thought and the Legend of the Eternal Meditation of Kukai

Matthew King, University of Toronto
“Tibet” as an Ideological Category in Early-Modern Mongolian Buddhism

Janis Priede, University of Latvia
Buddhism in the Latvian Cultural Landscape in the Interwar Period (1918–1939)

Victor Sogen Hori, McGill University
Zen and the Language of the Unspeakable

Kenshin Kirihara, Tohoku University
The Quest for Mahayana: Kawaguchi Ekai and the Buddha’s “Golden Words”

Richard M. Jaffe, Duke University
Kawaguchi Ekai and the reform of Japanese Buddhism

Hidetsugu Takayama, Nishogakusha University
Murakami Sensh’s views on Education

Orion Klautau, Tohoku University
(Re)inventing “Japanese Buddhism”: Murakami Sensh and the writing of history

Lubos Belka, Masaryk University
Dandaron Mandala: Buryat Buddhism during the Soviet Era

Levi McLaughlin, Wofford College
The Enlightenment Meets Enlightenment: Conflations of Euro-American Romanticism with Japanese Buddhist Practices in Contemporary Nichiren-Based Organizations

Sophana Srichampa, Mahidol University
Thai-Vietnamese beliefs for their well-being

Do Thu Ha, Vietnam National University
Then: Religious performance of Thai ethnic group in Vietnam

Champathong Phochanthilath, Mahidol University
Long Sieng Khong: A ritual of Tai Nyo in Bolikhamxay, Laos

Rattana Chanthao, Khon Kaen University
Pi Mae Maay: Local belief for survival of Lao-Isaan people

Makoto Hayashi, Aichi-gakuin University
Shadows of Max Müller

Jun’ichi Isomae, International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Doubling Buddhism: Beneath the proper name

Galen Amstutz, Institute of Buddhist Studies (GTU)
Two Hybridities in Japanese Buddhism in the United States

Silvio Vita, Italian School of East Asian Studies
Paris as a cultural contact zone in the making of modern discourse on Buddhism

Sonehara Satoshi, Tohoku University
The Formation and Development of Dangisho Temples in the Tendai Sect

Koichi Matsumoto
The Transcription and Propagation of Esoteric Tendai Texts

Kaoru Oshima
Preaching Materials at Jobodai-in

Kazuo Makino
Tendai Dangisho Temples and the Late 13th Century Higashiyama Byakugo-in Area

Stefania Travagnin: University of Saskatchewan
All You Need is Shentong: Assessing Traditional “Supernormal” Practices in Chinese Buddhism

Scott Pacey, Australian National University
Shentong, Science and the Everyday: Supernormal Abilities in Modern Chinese Buddhism

Benjamin Penny, the Australian National University
Perfectability and the Paranormal in Contemporary China

Neelima Dahiya, M.D. University
Present Day Bio-Ethical Issues and Buddhism

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