“Buddhism & Psychology” Student Essay Competition

Buddhism Buddhism in Canada Education Events Psychology Publishing in a digital world

The 2011 Buddhist Education Foundation for Canada Essay Prize

The Buddhist Education Foundation for Canada announces a student essay competition demonstrating the association between Buddhism/ Buddhist psychology and western psychology, science or society.  Submissions should focus on the specific and creative ways that the western academic and clinic disciplines, (e.g. psychology, sociology, religious studies, philosophy, medicine, psychotherapy, cognitive sciences) have encountered Buddhism and Buddhist psychology. Innovative explorations of this interaction, focusing on synthesis and integration, are especially encouraged.

Eligibility: Students attending any Canadian university are eligible to apply.


Prizes:  Three cash prizes of $1,000, $400 and $200. Winning essays will also be published in the second issue of Upaya in 2011, the undergraduate journal of the Buddhist Psychology Student Union.

Submission Guidelines: The maximum length of the essay should be 3000 words (excluding references) double-spaced and using font 12 Times New Roman.   Please submit essays by email to Ms. Christine Ng at BuddhistEduFoundation@rogers.com with “2011 Buddhist Education Foundation for Canada Essay Prize” in the subject line. Your submission should be accompanied by: a brief abstract (which should not exceed 100 words) and contact information on the cover page.

Announcement of the Winners:  Winners will be contacted by email by September 15, 2011 and invited to attend an event of the BEFC in the fall of 2011 to accept their prizes.

Evaluation Criteria: The following criteria will be used to assess the submissions: originality of the thesis, clarity of expression, soundness of the argument, grammar and writing style.

Further Information: Please contact Tony Toneatto, at tony. toneatto@utoronto.ca if you have any questions or require additional information.

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