21 Days to Die: The Canadian Guide to End of Life

Aging Buddhist Psychology Canada Chaplaincy Death Greenbank Books Healing Health Hospice Care Passings Sumeru Books

Coming soon!

21 Days Sumeru

ISBN 978-1-896559-72-8 (pbk)  /  $19.95 CAD

160 pages, 6.14 x 9.21 in  /  Illustrated (charts + diagrams)

About the Book

For most people with advancing diseases, there are signs that death will be soon. Diseases have many trajectories, but at a certain stage, the ceasing of life becomes certain, with a predictable sequence. At 21 days, there are usually no more treatment options with any real promise of quality of life. Death is a mystery, and we don’t want to take all the mystery away. However, there are steps we each can take to be fully, effectively present in the process, including navigating how End of Life care works in Canada. We are publishing this book in the hope that all Canadians will come to recognize these signs. Together we can share this information and be ready to welcome death when the time is right with peace of mind and no regrets.


The book features an appendix with 18 practical lists encapsulating key points from the book, and more than 35 essential Canadian end-of-life resources with QR codes for easy, on-the-spot access.

A Greenbank Book


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