Sumeru News — Sumeru Books

Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies reviews of Sumeru books

Sumeru Books

Bloom: Buddhist Reflections on Serenity and Love, Ajahn Sona Zen Conversations, Richard Bryan McDaniel Catholicism and Zen, Richard Bryan McDanielThe Driftwood Shrine, John Wolff An American Buddhist Life, Charles Prebish Lotus Petals in the Snow, ed. Tanya McGinnity  

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New and upcoming titles at Sumeru

Books Publishing Publishing in a digital world Sumeru Books

Here's a link to the slide deck for my recent presentation at the Buddhist Literary Festival for Canada 2022, about upcoming titles from Sumeru. This was a companion presentation to my earlier talk. Many Sumeru authors also presented at the event!

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Buddhist Literature in Context

Books Publishing Publishing in a digital world Sumeru Books

Here's a link to the slide deck for my recent presentation at the Buddhist Literary Festival for Canada 2022, about how we evaluate Buddhist literature, and also about how modern publishing works.

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The Snow Leopard's New Friend wins again!

Animals Awards Sumeru Books

We're pleased to announce that The Snow Leopard's New Friend is a Bronze medal winner in the 2022 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards, under the category of Environmental Issues.

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New book by Jeff Wilson coming

Eco Action Engaged Buddhism Environmental Issues Jodo Shinshu LGBTQ racism Social Action Sumeru Books

I'm delighted to announce that Sumeru will be publishing Jeff Wilson's upcoming book: Living Nembutsu Applying Shinran’s Radically Engaged Buddhism in Life and Society Publication planned for Spring 2023.

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