Sumeru News — Practice!

Mountains and Rivers Sutra weekly practice book coming

Practice! Sumeru Books Zen

Pleased to report I've received the final manuscript and am ready to start production for Mountain and Rivers Sutra: Teachings of Norman Fischer Transcribed and Edited by Kuya Minogue A Weekly Practice Book Here's a brief introduction to the book from Kuya, the editor... In 2015 and 2016, I transcribed talks about Dogen’s Mountain and Rivers Sutra that Norman Fischer gave at the Upaya Zen Centre in 2012. I divided his talks into 52 short essays, added a practice suggestion to each essay and published them in my bimonthly column, “A Zen’s Eye View” in our local newspaper. The Creston...

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My Buddha Is Pink

LGBTQ Practice! Sumeru Books Theravada

Our next book, My Buddha is Pink: Buddhism for the Modern Homosexual, by Richard Harrold, is almost ready to launch. Look for it on Vesak 2019 (May 19).

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ECODHARMA, by David Loy, reviewed

Books Business Eco Action Economics Engaged Buddhism Environmental Issues Ethics Human Rights Oppression Politics Practice!

Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis David Loy Wisdom Publications, 2019 ISBN 978-1-61429-382-8 ebook ISBN 978-1-61429-398-9 240 pages Buddhists: we have a problem! The transcendentalists see liberation as escape from this world of dukkha. The mindfulness proponents see liberation as adjusting our perspective to fit in better with this world, without the dukkha. Both views are dualistic mis-interpretations holding us back from engaged practice, because they are both based on an individualistic approach. My enlightenment. My liberation. My suffering. People all over the planet are waking up to the fact that our current “business as usual” approach to civilization is...

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Books Buddhism Practice! Sumeru Books

Our latest title, THE WEALTHY BUDDHIST: Buddhist Ethics, Right Livelihood, and the Value of Money, by Rod Burylo, is now available! Click on the red title to see more...

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Exploring the Challenges of the Bodhisattva Path Ottawa workshops

Ottawa Practice! Workshop

Exploring the Challenges of the Bodhisattva Path June 28, 2018 7 - 9 pm Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa 1950 Scott Street Ina Denton, Certified Lay Dharma Lecturer

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