Sumeru News — Meditation

Practitioner's Guide to Ethics and Mindfulness-Based Interventions [reviewed]

Books Buddhist Psychology Ethics Meditation Mindfulness

Practitioner's Guide to Ethics and Mindfulness-Based Interventions Springer International PublishingISBN 978-3-319-64924-5418 pages, 2017 Editors: Monteiro, Lynette, Compson, Jane F., Musten, Frank $169.00 Hardcover / $129 E-book Full book details here From the publisher: This book focuses on the role of ethics in the application of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) and mindfulness-based programs (MBPs) in clinical practice. The book offers an overview of the role of ethics in the cultivation of mindfulness and explores the way in which ethics have been embedded in the curriculum of MBIs and MBPs. Chapters review current training processes and examine the issues around incorporating ethics into MBIs and MBPs...

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WALK WITH ME, Thich Nhat Hanh's new film here now

Engaged Buddhism Film Meditation Mindfulness Peace work Thich Nhat Hanh Zen

WALK WITH ME, the new Thich Nhat Hanh documentary narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch, is here now. To purchase your copy, here's the link: Walk With Me. And don't forget, we also have Thich Nhat Hahn's earlier film: Peace is Every Step. Get them together for free shipping.  

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Happy Buddhist Christmakkah

Buddhist Psychology Buddhist Studies Burma Children China Culture Dalai Lama Dance Death Engaged Buddhism Film Food Health Human Rights India Japan Karmapa Mahayana MBSR Meditation Mindfulness Movies Music Nepal North American Buddhism Photography Pilgrimage Politics Practice! Psychology Science Secular Buddhism Social Action Teachers Temples Theravada Thich Nhat Hanh Tibet Vajrayana Walking Zen

Happy Buddhist Christmakkah! Sumeru's gift to you is that we are now North America's largest independent Buddhist movie store, in addition to our book publishing activities, just in time for the holidays. Yes, you can find some of these films elsewhere, mostly at much higher prices from scalpers, but you will not find such a large curated collection anywhere else. I will also freely admit that Amazon will occasionally post ridiculously low prices for these films either as loss leaders to capture market share, or from third-party sellers who may or may not deliver as promised. With Sumeru, you can...

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Indonesian Buddhist Fellowship of Canada presents

Buddhism in Canada Events Meditation Practice! Retreats Toronto

Indonesian Buddhist Fellowship of Canada  presents:  1. One Day Meditation Retreat – “Anapanasati” Sunday, September 17, 2017 From: 8.00 am – 5.00 pm Place: Toronto Maha Vihara 4698 Kingston Road, Scarborough,  M1E 2P9  ·       All are welcome ·       Please bring your own lunch ·       Light refreshment will be provided ·   ... Read more »

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Contemplative walking

Buddhism Buddhism in Canada Buddhist community Meditation Sumeru Books

I had the opportunity this week to take a walk in Gatineau National Park with Innen Ray Parchelo, the Tendai priest who runs the Padakun contemplative walking society (, along with a couple of other hardy sojourners. Ray is the author of Walk Like a Mountain: The Handbook of Buddhist Walking Practices (Sumeru 2012), and he will be... Read more »

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