Sumeru News — Japan

AMERICAN SUTRA book review

Buddhism in the West History Japan Jodo Shinshu Pure Land Zen

AMERICAN SUTRA: A story of faith and freedom in the Second World War  by Duncan Ryūken Williams Harvard University Press, 2019 ISBN 9780674986534 7.4 x 10.5 in, 400 pages, illustrated   Buddhist identity in America is a chimerical thing. Many have tried to grasp its image, only to find its nature fragmented into seemingly irreconcilable facets. Many a heated argument has resulted from debates about which interpretation is correct. Without a solid understanding of the history of Buddhism in America, such debates are rather like walking through a hall of mirrors at the carnival – fun but distorted. By the same...

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Carving the Divine

Art Buddhism around the World Japan

Carving the Divine is a documentary film about the art and craft of making Buddha statues, in the Japanese Shingon tradition. It looks wonderful!  

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Tracy Franz on her Year of Dirt and Water

Books Japan Zen

My Year of Dirt and Water: Journal of a Zen Monk’s Wife in Japan Tracy Franz Stone Bridge Press, 2018 308 pages, paperback, 5 x 8 x 5/8” $16.95/ $22.99 CAN ISBN: 9781611720426 (p), 9781611729306 Westerners have been writing about Japan since the first missionaries arrived there in the 16th century. In the 1800s, Lafcadio Hearn won international acclaim for his memoirs of his time there, and since then many others have added to the genre. It’s difficult to bring something fresh to the subject. There have also been a number of books recounting western encounters with Zen, often from...

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Happy Buddhist Christmakkah

Buddhist Psychology Buddhist Studies Burma Children China Culture Dalai Lama Dance Death Engaged Buddhism Film Food Health Human Rights India Japan Karmapa Mahayana MBSR Meditation Mindfulness Movies Music Nepal North American Buddhism Photography Pilgrimage Politics Practice! Psychology Science Secular Buddhism Social Action Teachers Temples Theravada Thich Nhat Hanh Tibet Vajrayana Walking Zen

Happy Buddhist Christmakkah! Sumeru's gift to you is that we are now North America's largest independent Buddhist movie store, in addition to our book publishing activities, just in time for the holidays. Yes, you can find some of these films elsewhere, mostly at much higher prices from scalpers, but you will not find such a large curated collection anywhere else. I will also freely admit that Amazon will occasionally post ridiculously low prices for these films either as loss leaders to capture market share, or from third-party sellers who may or may not deliver as promised. With Sumeru, you can...

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Alexandra David Neel YA bio

Books Buddhism around the World China History Japan Sumeru Teacher Stories Teachers Tibet Vajrayana

Next up from Sumeru… INCOGNITO, a novel of Alexandra David Neel. Here’s a sneak peek.

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